Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 12, 2012

Went out to see if any meteors were left. No meteors, but what I saw made me cry out. The little-more-than-quarter moon nested an a tangle of stars, Venus at the bottom beaming. I thought she was an airplane at first. Such peace. Such gigantic beauty. The blue of night with dawn still an hour off.

Woke from a dream in which Terry from Avenue M and I had formed a company to exploit a lovely wooded grotto and waterfall I had found in the woods. There would be games and rides and hiking, but then I found that the stone was thin and worn over a great empty space, and liable to collapse at any time. Half the dream was joy at the discovery, half was about how to save face when it proved to be no good.

JC’s play at Magnetic Field last night. Thoughtful, humane, very funny when not sadly lyrical, beautifully served by its actors.

Made sensational soup out of the dream recipe.

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