Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 20, 2012

Classes still a kick, windflower still blooming, soon to be joined by a sister, if the bud is allowed to flower.

Went to the theater to see Fight Girl Battle World. Inadvertently walked through a movie set on the street and had a flustered AD chasing after me. When he caught me he opened his mouth, then turned to the center of his group and said, “I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.” I love Asheville. As I was early I stopped for a martini at Zambra’s, where I watched MS moving about all curly-headed and handsome with his red shirt and serving tray. Delicious drink, too.

As for the play, the script was awful, and, being a writer, that’s the major thing I bother about. It was derivative, bland, at no point sparked by any memorable jeu or discovery. It depended for laughs almost entirely on knowing references to popular culture icons like Star Trek, and if you didn’t know those references the evening would have been baffling. But, the production was sensational, high energy acting, and directing that made better than the most out of each shoddy moment provided by the script. I had gone because student friends were in it, and they covered themselves with glory. BA looked so sexy in his space hero costume that I couldn’t stop smiling. Despite their labor, I was heavy bored before the end. I guess I wasn’t the play’s ideal audience, though not a particularly bad one, either. I love all those old shows, and can endure camp for a little while. Nevertheless, I would go again to a dozen like it to make sure plays like it keep being staged. There’s destined eventually to be a jewel among the zombies and laser wars and vampires.

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