Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 15, 2011

Stood on the porch after waking and watched the moonlight gush onto the yard.

For some reason I was thinking of J, missing him. “Oh, we will be friends forever.”

At practically the last moment when such a thing can be accomplished, the front terrace is drowned in a wash of deep purple morning glory.

Afternoon of tech for Our Town. I think it went well. It’s impossible for me to tell how this production will strike an audience, or how it will look when we open on Thursday. I enjoy being with the kids. I enjoy comparing them to how we were back at Hiram when their parents– who could have been us– were young. Good God, their grandparents, even. Not that much different, except that we were not so giggly, far more focused and efficient with our time, with both more seriousness and more intellectual pretension. I think I like these kids better than I did us. Both our worlds were dangerous, but in different ways. Our enemies were more recognizable, more “them” at whom rocks and epithets could be hurled. Wall Street, in comparison with Viet Nam or Richard Nixon, is diaphanous, elusive, interwoven, impenetrable.

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