Friday, October 14, 2011

October 13, 2011

Back to class after the brief break, flattened, as my students must be, by the demands of the semester. I am always amazed–as they might not be–by how easy it is to catch up, given a little application. What in the past sometimes has been a diversion– choir, for instance-- is, for this time, a further tribulation. Bad stars in an off sky. Production week for Our Town is upon us without my having paid enough attention. There were too many wine bottles in my recycling bin this week.

Learned to use my I-pad, lounging around watching old episodes of Numbers.

I want to check my mail, but it is still pitch dark, and a rather formidable wolf spider has taken up residence in the mailbox. We don’t mind each other too much, but I want to be able to see him when I visit, for his safety and my peace of mind.

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