Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 27, 2010

What did I do yesterday? Wrote, wrote, wrote. Wrote nothing today, to balance the forces a little. Did finish up with the mortgage refinancing, which will benefit me in all sorts of astonishing ways. Why did I take so long? Because I never think what works for others will work for me. The value estimate on the property is wonderfully fanciful. Autumnal day, some rain, evening light now domed with spectacular clouds. Refilled the hummingbird feeders for the last time this year, to stoke them on their way to the rainforests. Transplanted acanthus into the light just in time for the rain to fall upon them. In my latest book I am writing the history of Asheville, as it would have been had we all been who we were supposed to be. Blessing my spider when I see her against the light.

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