Friday, September 3, 2010

September 2, 2010

The salesman at the Toyota dealership was amazed at the interest rate I got, and said I must have the best credit in the world. This leads me to think it’s time to look for the homestead, for the HOME that I didn’t think I could look for until the finances were ready.

Best birthday since 21, I think, when I was on a boat on Long Island Sound with George and Denny. There was that one in Sligo– but still, I had a wonderful day. Painted this morning. Took pieces to be framed, and the frame lady, seeing how I had painted one the pieces on scrap matte board, gave me a stack of matte board in various sizes and colors. Can’t wait to get them to the studio.

Heaven blue morning glory and white angels’ trumpets mingle on the terrace.

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