Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010

The garden suddenly exploded in multiples. Though the morning was active, the afternoon and beyond has been mostly sleep and sitting on the porch staring at the garden. It took the hummingbirds perhaps one hour of daylight to find their sugar water. As for the sleepiness, the exhaustion, it is unnatural. If I even look at a sleepy cat, I have to lie down, not to rise until an hour later. Was the stress of the semester really that much?

Have been trying to get to see so many friends in ACT’s Little Shop of Horrors. Failed so far. It’s all right. Going to musicals is like masturbating: you understand the temptation, you even catch yourself doing it from time to time, but it is not the way to build a healthy adult relationship with theater.

1 comment:

BlogBoy said...

Thank you for your aperçu about musical theatre. So apt.