Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 4, 2010

The sad anniversary.

Hung the hummingbird feeders.

Wandered onto the part of Facebook where they suggests friends to you, and found it eerie. How does it know I know those people? How do they know Cathy is my cousin or that Meagan was in one of my plays in New York? In the list of suggestions they didn’t miss once. I knew them all, obscurely, sometimes only half-remembered by myself. Is it still possible to be off the grid?

Flood of excuses from students, mostly now backstories about absences and tardiness, the codicils concerning which they apparently did not read on the syllabus until finals time. Many students think that oversleeping or a faulty alarm is an actual excuse. For a class that begins at 11. I never found getting to class at whatever hour a problem, so I may not be as understanding about these things as others. When I skipped, I damn well meant to.

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