Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August 20, 2008

Gesualdo on the CD.

First class day came well enough. Bright shining faces, eagerness and expectation which I hope I can in some degree fulfill.

The department stood up for its annual official photograph, which had to be done twice because one of our number comes only when she pleases. Stood beside S, and caught from him the sharp smell of old age. It was a moment of pity and fear.

Faustus rehearsals are going well. When they’re not going well it is not, as with AYLI, because the conception is faulty, but because the actors have not yet realized the conception. Jason is an excellent director. He over-directs for my taste, but that is proof that he has a pageant running in his mind. I am not prepared for tonight. There will have to be forgiveness all around.

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