Thursday, August 14, 2008

August 10, 2008

Good painting yesterday morning, good performance at Montford in the evening, I think. Great lacunae opened the night before when one or the other went up on lines, and Audrey and I almost misjudged our entrance. It seemed a much shorter time, and in fact it was. They had dropped half a scene. Still, I believe the crowds have gone away happy.

Kevin sends photos of the Anna Livia cast. So very young! Pretty, all of them.

This has been one of those just-caught-the-attack-of-phlebitis-in-time days. I was quite sick and slept several hours this morning, but it is better now, and I think I’ll get through the performance tonight without incident. I felt this coming on for days, but miss-diagnosed myself as part of my fear of losing the efficacy of the antibiotics. I’ll let it go until almost the last minute, in case it’s something else. As it mostly is.

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