Thursday, August 14, 2008

August 11, 2008

The gang attended As You Like It last night. L’s first words: "It was too long. I couldn’t stay awake." So much for Shakespeare. DJ excuses L by saying he’s "oblivious." I suppose so, but obliviousness achieves the same results as malice, even if, out of courtesy, we allow it to have a different origin.

Our audiences have been incredibly supportive. Steph, who went out and watched the first act, said it was terrible, and I believe her, but the audiences are willing it into a joyful evening. It is a kind of domestic magic. Jolene said we were "magnificent."

Bought my first stocks directly today. Kind of thrilling. Kind of a shot in the dark.

Canton, Youngstown, and Dayton all make Forbes’ list of fastest dying cities.

Dazzling clear summer day, the air like wine. Friend groundhog has just waddled off his porch for his crepuscular foray. Blood red roses in a vase on my mantel.

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