Friday, July 25, 2008

July 23, 2008

Summer back into its rhythm, a good rhythm, productive and satisfying, though I’d rather there were not quite so many naps.

I’d hoped As You Like It would strike a different tone than most of what I’ve seen in outdoor theater, but it is not going to. Perhaps a particular kind of performance is so soaked into those planks and screws that nothing else is possible. Perhaps I should wait until after first run-through to make any sort of evaluation. It’s going to be lively and the actors are attractive. Directing is usually the weak link, but weak is not inept and the whole machine, I think, is going to run. People say that as long as everybody is having fun it’s all right, and I suppose that’s true, and I vow, therefore, to have fun. Having missed a week’s rehearsal, I feared I would be last night’s weak link. Took secret pleasure that it was not so, though if I’d wanted to be the brilliant spot, that was missed too.

Sample direction: "Touchstone, you are madly in love with Audrey, I mean madly, head over heels–"
"But that it not justified in the text–"
"I know, but–" continuance of explanation--

I think the 23rd day of every month is lucky.

Signed the contract for Anna Livia. To get a percentage of the door seems so professional.

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