Sunday, May 11, 2008

May 10, 2008

Chancellor Ponder captained a dignified and reasonably swift Commencement this morning. The speaker was energetic, though amid all her sistering and go-girl-ing she might have acknowledged that some men were in the graduating class too. Had extended occasion to notice how beautiful the UNCA campus looks, the foresightful ways in which the plantings were established and are just now coming into fullness-- like the Quad, where horizontal crabapple trees are balanced by the abrupt vertical spires of the metasequoias, and all as a frame for blue Pisgah floating in the distance.

Went to O's graduation party. His parents had rented a cabin out in Candler, at Pisgah’s feet, where we lounged and drank and crunched the crudites. O’s mother sells photographs from a cart across from Lincoln Center. That seems hugely romantic to me. O is a remarkable young man. I hope we keep in touch. His rich baritone contrasts with his skinny body, which again contrasts with the voluptuous fullness of his eyes. When he speaks, you look around the room for the substantial, thoughtful elder whose voice it should be.

Came home and plucked dead fish from the water gardens (enough remain in each to gobble the larvae) and dug, and planted gloriosa daisy and some daisy-like thing which promises to be scarlet.

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