Wednesday, February 27, 2008

February 26, 2008

House fragrant with the candle I burned all night. Hat, except for gaps in the lines, seems to be in better shape than the other components of Crown of Shadows have been at the same point. I spent yesterday in a daze of exhaustion and distant ache which I thought was turning into the flu that everybody has, but did not. Massage from David Gary. I asked him why he hadn’t been to see Crown of Shadows, and he said, "I can’t stand to see two boys kissing." I told him that part was over, and now it’s just girls and boys kissing, but I felt strange under his hands.

Conference call from Sunnyspot confirms that Edward is on for 10 performances in the middle of May. I’m relieved that all is on track. One anticipates disaster, or at least disappointment, right up to the last moment. They ask if I’m satisfied with the cast, and only after I’ve said "yes" do I perceive that they really wanted to know, and might have responded had I expressed concern. Some of my Asheville cast was better than my remembrance of the New York cast. Perhaps they wanted to hear that, perhaps not.

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