Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February 2, 2008

Got through yesterday. Bright yellow-gray outside the window, the profile of a cardinal tail-flicking on a telephone wire.

Excellent run-through of Gilgamesh. Mickey said (of Edward) "I don’t know how your New York cast can be any better than ours," and I must admit I now forget how they were better. I hope soon to be reminded. But the fact is, I’ve never seen such consistently fine performances from a cast, certainly never in one of my works, done locally, and never under such outsized conditions. Each time they discover something new, do something old better. Unless something unforeseen happens, we are going to have a sensational run. Of course something unforeseen can happen in the other direction, and we have a legendary run.

Found a way to get back into communication with Ann.

I have sworn on nine gods to make it to the studio today.

Resurrecting Sea’s Edge.

Shane McGowan on the CD.

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