Saturday, February 16, 2008

February 14, 2008

Edward the King opens tomorrow night. Last night M canceled rehearsal because the set was not ready. On one level I understand the concept, "What has to be done has to be done," but that too often involves a situation in which one person has mangled his duty so much and so long that it, finally, becomes everybody’s problem. The play was written so it could be played on a bare stage with a few pieces of furniture. Ride it out. . . ride it out. . . .

Mickey gave me a white toy dog which I have named Marlowe after the presiding spirit of the enterprise. My former students Jen and Marshall left a valentine in my mailbox, ostensible sent by William Blake. I’d forgotten it was Valentine’s day. I hope nobody was expecting chocolates from me, for they didn’t get it. I sent flowers to someone once on Valentine’s day, long ago. I remember it now as though it were some sort of tragedy.

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