Friday, February 22, 2008

February 21, 2008

I don’t know that I would want to repeat yesterday every day, but it was a fine day, and at the ending of it I was happy. I worked out at the Y. I went to the studio and painted well. But the evening was the best. We had a tech rehearsal of Gilgamesh, and though it didn’t go particularly well, it didn’t go particularly badly, either, and one anticipated so much worse. There was a mood in the room, a sweetness, a comradery which made all memorable. Cody was rambunctious, but one assumes he was feeling his triumph after Edward, and one concedes an evening or two of rambunctiousness. All the boys were running around shirtless. Everyone played like children in the smoke from the smoke machine. Outside, the moon was entering eclipse, and we kept sidling between hall and porch to rehearse a little, and then watch the moon turn dried blood red, stirring and strange and beautiful, amid the four stars which gleamed with it in and out of the flying clouds.

The pulmonaria is about to bloom.

An online publication called Livejournal, published a review of Edward the King. It loved the play and hated the production.

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