Sunday, September 30, 2007

September 29, 2007

Sang Mahler’s "Um Mitternacht" for Paul yesterday, and was so moved I had to struggle to keep control of my emotions during the final piano measures. Of all that he has had me sing, this touches my heart most immediately.

Painted some in this blazing, etched blue glass day.

Finished Or Did a Sea of Fire, one of those plays I would not have written had I not been challenged.

Bought strange plants at the Farmers’ Market, and planted them in the searing light.

Disoriented, but not unhappy, as though on the first day of a vacation in a strange country.

Michael Baron is directing Lincoln in Washington. I’ve even heard of him. I googled him to confirm it was the same man, and discovered, in addition, a face of extraordinary beauty. Many of my producers have been good-looking. I take this as a sign, without knowing a sign of what.

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