Sunday, July 7, 2024


 July 4, 2024

Sweetest waking this morning, quite late, as when I startled on the couch and finally went to bed it was almost 3 AM. Birds singing, men talking as they cycled up Lakeshore. Full of holiday spirit, though there is no way, except in my attitude, why this day will be different from any other. I’ve been in general quite–if not seamlessly– happy in recent months. I attribute this stage of attitude to that night in Cork when I realized that happiness depends– for me, now–on not looking back, on pretending that this try is the first try, that this flop is an anomaly without a legacy and pattern behind. I should write a book, though where to go after “stop thinking about it” I don’t know.

Flipped the jury summons over and saw where it said you can get an exemption if you’re over 72. Filled it out, sent it in, realizing that one experience I’ll never have now is being on a jury. Mildest possible of regrets. 

Only once have I known a President younger than myself. 

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