Monday, July 29, 2024



July 25, 2024

Mother’s 100th birthday. 

Gentle, relentless rain continues. I see my street-garden gleam red and yellow from behind a shield of rain and overgrown grass. As soon as the rain stops--

The regular guy came to inspect my de-humidifier. On the way out he stopped to tell me how he’d gotten into some trouble (DWI, I guess) and had to be driven everywhere and how he was grateful not to have lost his job. We agreed the judge had no reason not to grant his petition to get his license back earlier than planned. The butcher at Fresh Market told me about the carno diet he was on, where you eat nothing but animal products. This was apropos of talking me out of buying bangers because they have bread crumbs in them. I asked him how the carno diet was meant to benefit him, and he wavered a little and said he was doing it in support of a friend who was doing it. In any event, I didn’t buy the bangers. 

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