Friday, March 8, 2024


March 5, 2024

Hiram has called its 24th President. Not bad for 174 years. Which one was Jagow? 

KD is dead.

Spent a shocking portion of the day trying to get Facebook back. I was thrown off it in the morning, and all attempts to regain access or change my password or send in required extra documentation was thwarted by “Unable to comply at this time” or “service presently not available” or “unexpected error” or simply a blank screen. Revolving doors. Trapdoors. Asked for 10 or 11 reset codes, checking to make sure the phone number was right; none of them arrived. Some combination of spell-casting and repetition got me back on, don’t actually know how. Then I went through the same process with my phone, whose time stamp had suddenly gone awry (or something). The worst part was the realization of how much I depend on this service for social contact. 

Somebody observed that English speakers tend to keep their tongue resting at the roofs of their mouths. Now I can’t stop noticing that. 


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