Monday, February 12, 2024


 February 7, 2024

Brilliant morning. 

Have been called “gentle and respectful” by two different people this week. It’s not the accolade one expects. 

R the sheet rock guy estimates $1200 to replace the ceiling. That’s on the low end of what I expected, so we move forward. Realized I resisted full replacement (rather than patching) only because I’ll have to move everything out of the living room, and not only do I not know where to put it, but I hate disruption. I told R he needn’t put a patch on since we were going to replace the whole thing, but he was afraid spiders would fall down on me from the attic. 

Editing the beginning of GB while still writing the end. Much taking out of “the” and rewriting “was” phrases. Why do I insist one “he was hiding” rather than “he hid”? 

Visited Properties committee meeting. Their concerns are refreshingly specific and concrete. The major talk was of moles, which have turned the church lawn into Verdun. My suggestion, “wait for a flood” didn’t gain much traction. 

Was in sensational voice for ASC rehearsal last night. Hayden is easy to sing. What a gentleman.

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