Friday, February 23, 2024

Bluebirds and red moustache


February 22, 2024

A flock of bluebirds rested in my garden this morning. 

Sat beside the river because it was almost warm enough. One mallard. Several geese.  Ate a sandwich, throwing bits of it to a song sparrow. 

Various chores, most of which involved spending a lot of money. 

Credit Card Company called about a bogus charge. The lady on the line was not only Indian, but couldn’t be bothered to speak into the mic, so I had to ask her to repeat everything, and we finished our business only by my fishing the occasional word out of the mud and deducing what she must have meant. 

Tried to fix the sound on the TV. Bought speakers. Expensive speakers from a big guy with a red walrus moustache. Did I install them correctly? It’s both better and worse, so true to my history. 

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