Saturday, July 29, 2023


July 28, 2023

Second of four rehearsals for the one-act festival. K was out for bronchitis, so the others are ahead of us. O and I struggled through. I have most of my lines– all of them if I trusted myself. Comfortable on the stage again. K says I was “always entertaining.” Determined to take that as praise. The two plays I’ve read beside ours are dreadful. K says no one-act festival (by which she means 10 minute play festival) next year. Selection of plays by committee is generally a bad idea. Her good news is that someone has bought the building who is friendly to the arts, and to the theater specifically, with plans for improvement. It’s well somebody catches a break. 

Heat wave continues. I water the garden once an evening, to keep it alive. My two fans and open back door (despite the bears) seem to keep me cool enough. That the Earth will become Venus seems, on certain days, plausible. All that striving and struggle for nothing. 

Gallons of bitter iced tea. 

Finished a big, big painting. 

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