Sunday, February 28, 2021


February 27, 2021

Zoom talk last night inspired me to give the Biltmore House another chance. Drove there, bought a season pass (the price of which will compel me to go many times). Walked to the house and then down a muddy road, and then back up through the gardens. It is truly beautiful there, a grand-vista-ed paradise that would be immoral were it not shared with the public. The greenhouse overflowed with wonders. Discovered purple-stemmed cliffbrake in the garden wall. Had my binocs. The prize of the gardens was a tree boiling with purple finches, but down by the pond there were, beside the brazen Canadas, pied-billed grebe, goldeneye, hooded merganser. Stopped at the Vineyard and bought wine. The second time in three days I have exceeded my step count.

Letter from JD after 45 years. Whatever ails Facebook, it allows reunions such as this. He says he remembers my wit and “overwhelming positivity.” I’m glad he remembers that. I don’t, particularly. 

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