Wednesday, February 3, 2021


February 2, 2021

Unless the groundhog was very alert and stuck his head out at exactly the right time, he did not see his shadow. Very blustery bitterly cold, and I went out only once, to get cheap cuts of meat at the Sav-Mor to experiment with the hawk, to see if he could be fed like an ordinary bird. When I pulled up in the drive, there he sat on a limb not ten feet from the ground, not moving as I went from car to house. I tossed him a meaty pig joint and–yes– he swooped down and it was gone. One of us has the other trained in the space of a day. It is a glad thing for me. I hope it gets him through the winter, though I hope it doesn’t discourage him from keeping terror in the hearts of the squirrels. Two appointments cancelled, and me twice breathing “thank God!”

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