Wednesday, February 24, 2021


February 23, 2021

Drove to Lake Julian because two women I met in the woods said they saw Egyptian geese there, as indeed they did. Also Canadas and big barnyard Embdens and mallards and Pekings and, above all, droves of droll coots. Amazing that I’d never gone to lake Julian before. Friendly & Peaceful. 

Wrestled furniture for my east porch into form. “Some assembly required” is a cry of lamentation for me. 

A white haired lady came from Brevard and we finished–or so I suppose–the refinancing of my house. Signing this and that, signing documents that said I’d signed other documents. I’m not made for anything so meticulous and step-by-step. I am he who leaves full carts of groceries and leaves the supermarket if the check-out takes too long. I am he who said, “I will not revise again” to his dissertation adviser. 

Sat in my new furniture drinking tea, Sweetboi perched and fluffed not ten feet away. At one point Denise dive bombed a crow that wandered too close. I think they have claimed me. 

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