Tuesday, November 17, 2020


November 16, 2020

Rose early. Intended to write, but the weather was too good, so I drove to the spot where Hard Times runs closest to the Parkway. I had taken Hard Times Road many times, but maybe only once the trail I did select, blazed but rough, heading north between Hard Times and the road. It would have come out, had I continued to follow, at Bent Creek at the Arboretum entrance. It was very beautiful, clean, serene. Tulip and holly reigned. I was happy. For the third time I achieved my steps goal, for the first time in a single hike. Met two handsome, sweaty, blue-eyed men, one of the by-products of going to the trouble. One had a dog who was frightened of me. I’m dismayed when a dog fears me, and I can never imagine why. Most dogs adore or ignore me on the trail, but the ones that shy and bark are remembered. Trying to put It down as canine misapprehension.

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