Monday, September 23, 2019

September 23, 2019

Woke this morning with a rather terrible case of– what? Hives, I suppose-- redness over my entire torso, nickel-sized welts in several places, an agony of itching. The attack was over in an hour. The Internet said I had to have contact with something, or have eaten something. I was asleep, so I hadn’t eaten anything. Had something bitten me? Rushed the bedclothes to the washer in case I’d brought something back from New York. Never had hives before in my life. Interesting playwriting class, finding ways to share our work because IT won’t walk across campus to fix our computer. I will be blamed for being insistent; they will be blameless for being dilatory. The lad on the phone says nobody can help us after 4. Their webpage says help is available till 8. One shrugs, looks forward to retirement.

Can nerves bring on hives?

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