Sunday, September 15, 2019

September 14, 2019

From an email:

Gita Smith
Fri, Sep 13, 6:48 PM (14 hours ago)
to me

Dear David: Long, long ago (1978) I and several other Atlanta poets published your poem in Daimon, our quarterly broadsheet. I kept every edition, and today pulled one out at random and there was your poem.
Still beautiful.
Still needing to be read.
So on Sept. 17, I am going to forward it to 30 friends who value excellent poetry. Each of us sends out a poem on a given day of the month. The 17th is my day.
Thank you for having written it. I know they will love it.
Gita M. Smith

On some days one draws in, wants to sell or give away anything not directly related to Fulfilling the Vision while one can. On other days one wants to gather, stretch, relax, assuming that there will be time for everything. Today is the second of those; yesterday was the first. I suppose this is the uncertain alternation that moves us forward.

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