Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 25, 2019

KG red in the face with rage in class over what he calls an institution that wants his money and doesn’t care about anything else. I disagreed with him less than I would have at any other time in my life. Oddly, we were talking about Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet. The question was, why do we encourage people who clearly have no talent? That was his answer. My answer is, because we can’t be sure. I don’t know what the university thinks.

Three cartons full of The Falls of the Wyona appeared on my porch. I was happy. The cats were ecstatic over the boxes. Boom they go jumping into them downstairs even now. Also appearing, about a ton of heliotrope seed. The world would be heliotropes if I got them all into the ground.

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