Friday, April 12, 2019

April 12, 2019

WR begged to meet me yesterday so he could borrow money to enlarge 62 Lakeshore. I arranged time to meet him and– he was a no show, without notice, without excuse. Missing a meeting he arranged to ask a favor of me. One shrugs and moves on.

Dark of the morning coffee at the Ingall’s Starbucks, where a very old man named Abe asked for a ride to his home. Half way there he said “Oh! I forgot my cane! We have to go back.” I found a place to turn around and was back at the store when he said, “Oh, no, here it is!” we got him home as the sun rose.

Pound and Eliot at 8 AM. Two girls in back giggled and pawed each other. My student E who is the one this year who adopted me, misses every third class, comes in late when he comes, and leaves ten minutes into class to do– something, sometimes returning half an hour later, rattling and banging in the effort to arrange himself comfortably. Then he asks questions that were asked in his absence. However many complaints a teacher may have lodged against him, the wonders of our patience exceed our trespasses by many levels. Napped monstrously, but found the time to plant nasturtiums. The Book of the Roses moves along. I think I have it outlined in my head until the end.

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