Wednesday, April 3, 2019

April 2, 2019

Vivaldi Concerto for viola ‘d’amore

On Facebook:
Ethan Fugate
April 1 at 8:17 PM

Hey - it is the first day of National Poetry Month, so of course I read a novel on my flight from PDX to Charleston. Granted, it is a novel that flashes its poetic bones on almost every page. & I kinda think The Falls of Wyona is a real triumph, David Hopes. Sorry I missed you in Portland. #redhenpress

Queer night. I dreamed I was in the Army, in Iraq, and was being taken to see an unspeakable atrocity, the mutilation in some way of a human body so it was monstrous and unrecognizable. When I was shown it I didn’t understand it, and didn’t completely understand the explanation provided by my superior officer. Odd, I think, not to understand one’s own dream even within the dream. The next dream took place in a series of vast warehouses (containing cafes and residences, etc) spread over a series of beautiful hills. I plotted a murder, and got someone to do the murder for me. I figured the space was so vast no one would suspect me, but toward the end of the dream I began to fear discovery. Even when I woke it took a moment to understand the jeopardy was gone. Even in the dream I didn’t know why I wanted this person dead.

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