Saturday, August 4, 2018

August 3, 2018

SS writes: “And I really ought to say this reading spree has proved to me that you are the most shamefully neglected playwright imaginable. Had you lived in New York and played the game, you would not have so many unproduced plays in the drawer and on your computer. You would be celebrated.” I, of course, think the same. I bet, when starting out, that my remoteness from New York wouldn’t matter that much. I lost that bet. It is wrong that I lost that bet.

Picked up a copy of Halcyone, for which I supplied the cover art. Notice of Night, Sleep, and the Dreams of Lovers being a “new release” provoked me into emailing a copy of the revision to Carlos. Should have sent it weeks ago, or whenever it was I did it. The reality of its appearance has never quite impressed itself on me. Offered to pay for whatever expenses accrued by my dilation. He might have kept me up to date concerning the process, though. I honestly assumed everything had stalled. Most everything DOES stall. Praying this one thing turns out to be no problem.

Went downtown to see the play Bloomsday at 35 Below.  Unexpectedly sweet. Jason gave me a Dramaturg credit. A few elegant drinks at Sovereign Remedies.

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