Saturday, August 18, 2018

August 17, 2018

David’s birthday.

One cat peed on a plastic bag on the dresser (she was within her rights; I had not cleaned the litter box) and the other cried piteously over something as I staggered around in the morning dark. Neither of them is feeling well. I think it is age, and all I can do is coo and caress and allow them to do whatever odd thing they want in the moment. Arrived at school, nevertheless, long before dawn, as I will be doing five days a week until Thanksgiving. Got my syllabi written, and my usual bad-tempered warnings against the excesses of the LAST group of students. A hike to the bookstore to check on my books almost did me in. Sometimes I think the anemia is reversing; sometimes I think it is not. Afternoon began with the faculty meeting. Two main topics were 1) meeting the new chancellor and 2) the new chancellor relating to us the piss-fight between two state agencies that resulted in a no-occupancy-allowed warning against five of our dorms–the news ones, which had already received their certificates of occupancy– and the distribution of confused students to local hotels. It seems some faucets may have been in a place not preferred by the Insurance Department. Or something. What is the proper expression for gigantic pettiness? The Chancellor, on the other hand, impressed and relieved me. I liked Mary, and feared we wouldn’t have two good ones in a row, but perhaps we do. Nancy seemed strong and fair and unflapped by the to-do, and, moreover, actually talked principally about education in her remarks. I have worked under every single chancellor UNCA has had. I would be surprised to outlast this one.

Dinner at Avenue M with DJ.

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