Wednesday, December 20, 2017

December 20, 2017

Went to some of the usual places online trying to submit my plays. Choices are sparse. On the NYC Playwrights blog FIVE opportunities are for women or female-identified playwrights only; two are only for New Yorkers, and the vast majority for 10 minutes plays. Quality counts, but less than a dozen other factors. I am a singer in the Land of the Deaf.

The most dazzlingly brutal, partial, cruel, and self-serving bill in my lifetime is shoved through Congress by the Republican Party, which can hardy dispute an appellation as the party of unearned privilege.  The tax “reform” was done with ruinous haste so a failed Presidency could claim some legislative accomplishment. It favors the wealthy in ways so bold you would believe it was a joke if someone described it to you in a less gruesome time. The lawmakers have made sure they and their donors reap the benefits, and hardly bother to deny it, insisting (tongues in cheeks I suppose; they can’t actually believe it) that the richer they get the more will shower down upon us. Not one Republican had the courage to stand up against this monstrosity. Not one.  Polls show the vast majority of American citizens stand against it, but the citizens that matter, and the only ones that matter, are those that bought the legislators their seats. We are clearly and beyond debate an oligarchy ruled by an infantile madman abetted by ghouls and parasites. I have lived to see the end of the American Century, and I don’t like it. I would incite an insurrection if I could cross the street without getting drowsy.

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