Tuesday, December 12, 2017

December 11, 2017

Dream in which I was on a camping trip with my cousin Patrick. We were so happy, and I was so happy to be with him. In real life we barely said a word to each other. What road is the dream world laying down?

A few hours downtown after our last tumultuous creative writing session. The Cantaria meeting went well. I thought I was going to be told to shut up and put up, but it turns out everyone felt the same as I, and was just waiting for somebody to speak first.

America waits for Alabama to do the right thing. What a desperate state of affairs that is! Perhaps it is a limitation on the breadth of my thought, but I am incapable of believing that anybody genuinely takes abortion as their central, sometimes singular, moral issue. I try to figure out the code. I try to imagine what they really mean.

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