Wednesday, November 22, 2017

November 22, 2017

Strange dreams last night. I was one of a race of beings whose substance seemed to be mostly air or mist. We lived in a great forest and went about touching things, to see how light the touch could be and still be tangible.

I think Maud is ill, but if she were a person I would diagnose the illness as melancholy. She looks like a kitten again, having lost hair (she has so much you only notice that when it bunches n the floor) and weight, but her appetite is good, and she has stopped the vomiting that was her past time for a while. She has started seeking high places, though the patterns of her life have always been fluid and evolving. When she was on the counter last night I looked into her eyes and said to the spirit that has taken cat form, “Little spirit, please do not leave me.” I repeated it so the spirit would have no doubt what I meant. 

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