Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November 14, 2017

Conversation with K on the phone provides the shocking news that the show he plans for me at Mars Hill is in January. I had in my mind some vague summery future. Someone has some painting to do.

Got the play version of Night, Sleep, and the Dreams of Lovers out of mothballs. It’s good. I had no reason to abandon it, except for that attenuated man at NKU saying, “Of course it’s not publishable. There’s a long way to go before it’s publishable.” Except for John Guare sniffing, “Studios just don’t work that way.” I don’t think any development situation has ever done me good. They make me hide my wounded treasures away without even considering that the criticisms might have been idiotic. I EXPECT them to be good for me, and when they aren’t, it takes me too long to blame the badness of the critique.

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