Tuesday, January 26, 2016

January 25, 2016

Rose and went to the Y. The Y was dark and empty. Veered off to Starbuck’s. Starbuck’s was closed. Went to the bank; the sign on the door read “open at 10.” All for a coating of snow two days before. Started at 2 PM to await Will’s arrival, to sign the papers that will enable us to sign the papers. He came after 7. By that time I had worked my chest into knots so that it crossed my mind I was having a heart attack. This has not been a good twelvemonth. People have taken the opportunity to treat me as it is in their power to do, and that has ranged from indifference to vicious malice. I know I’m supposed to be able to take all this with equanimity. To have control over my own feelings. Maybe tomorrow.

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