Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 10, 2015

Again not wanted by the justice system. Relief.
Coffee with a vivid and charming young man named N, who has an idea for a kind of Cirque de Soleil based here in Asheville. I watched video of his first show on You Tube and it was beautiful (though, as he says, skillfully edited). I ask him what he wants from me and he says “friendship.” That is the word that opens all the doors. He is a true visionary. The question is how soon the world will wear him out. I told him to make friends with Ann, who is the best artist of any sort in this city. He is also a quite good salesman, which does not always go with “visionary.” His critique of the “real” Cirque is the same as mine: it has no respect for the word, no interest in the actual story. That was what set his apart.
Finished one short story and revised another. In an hour begins my first Amadeus rehearsal. Have decided not to foment over all the scheduling conflicts. . . just lie back and let it unfold. . . .being, as I am, a visionary among visionaries.

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