Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1, 2015

Annapurna at NC Stage last night. Distinguished performance of an undistinguished– or rather, unevenly distinguished-- play. The central metaphor, the unattainable, destructive goal represented by Annapurna, is sublime. Too much derivative, gratuitous, overexplained around it. I think the play must have been heavily workshopped. It has the air of having been worked over to satisfy the unimaginative. The production is, so far as I can tell from one exposure, impeccable. CS caught me up on the throes of Flat Rock. Willy filled me with excitement for his upcoming  show, An Iliad. Elaborate cocktails at King James afterwards.  People there, and kinds of people, whom I never see in my regular life. Odd, abrupt waking this morning, without the vestibule of dreams.

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