Saturday, November 29, 2014

November 29, 2014

    Successful dinner party last night. J and L, K and R were invited, but I got an email from JB, saying that he and his wife were going to be in town, so I expanded and invited them too. J and I were neighbors in Syracuse, his porch and mine flanking the front entrance. He is 6'6", and had flaming red hair which, like mine, has settled back into a sort of frosty pale brown. It was good–and strange to see him. He remembered Susan. He was so big and handsome I wondered why his life was not, then, other than it was.  We went to the movies, and he fell asleep with his head resting on my chest. There were tears in his eyes when he said goodbye at the door. His wife said, “Don’t mind him; he’s sentimental.” Have been writing since the morning dark, and now it is dark again.

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