Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 12, 2014

Several days of sickness seem to be near an end. Teaching class being unable to speak above a whisper was fascinating. I could get past it with my torrential stage voice, but that took a toll. Threw my back out Sunday, have staggered around bent like an octogenarian. Unable quite to catch up since my return, the tasks spreading out a few inches every day beyond my reach. Need to go to the Y to work the back out. Computer infected while I was gone– though it was shut down. Sent out a cry in the morning night to my computer guy. I thought I’d lost the charging cord to my cell phone, and though I have a new phone (have had it since the month I moved to this house) which I could have charged up and used, I was suddenly overcome by grief– unfortunately, that sentence is not overstated– on behalf of my old phone, which has served me long and well, and which I thought I had betrayed by treating its cord carelessly. Found the cord, wept with gratitude. I don’t think that reaction was right. I was feeling bad, and am always vulnerable then. Today I am healthy and careless and cruel.

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