Friday, October 24, 2014

October 24, 2014

Not so early in the morning. The cats had to wake me. Had to stay for the full count of Macbeth last night, which got me home a little before 11. Thanks to some Rioja I don’t know exactly when I got to bed. It was our final dress and first small audience. I don’t know how it went. Watching it on the screens backstage it seems slow, the actors oddly disengaged from each other. Adam is fabulous, but his energy makes it seem like he’s in a different production. That doesn’t mean it feels the same way in the house. The set is beautiful and works well. Whatever else is happening, this cast is friendly and happy and I’m deriving pleasure from being among them. I knew some people at the preview last night, though the people I invited ether didn’t come or didn’t stay. The drive home in the dark would be unendurable if you thought about it.

Feeling unusual personal interest and acceptance and friendliness from my students. The Humanities Boys mark the progress of my beard. This too makes me happy. One keeps one’s mind off the fleetingness of it all.

Almost paralyzed with relief that there is only one thing–the play– to do today.

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