Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 3, 2014

Noon rains. It is not yet cold, but I shut the windows against the threat of it. I drove to the riverside park yesterday afternoon to write a little and study Blake a lot. It was less soothing than it might have been had there been less turbulence in my mind, and yet the waters and the sky were beautiful, and workers took their lunches and moments of repose in the dapples of the trees. Stinkbugs tried to enter every crevasse, one up my pant leg, a couple zooming into my open satchel. Touching the vinyl padding on the weight machines at the Y this morning gave me flaming rashes. It’s always something new. This would be day one of fall break in easier times.

October 2, 2014

Worked so hard yesterday that my sleep was quick and long, and long sleep leads to dreams, which were, last night, odd and festive, and seemed to revolve around my getting married. J proposed to me, and I accepted. I did so fully aware of the differences between us, and that he is already married, but I decided I was going to work very hard and if anything were under my control, it would work. Then I decided to marry Cecily, as she was back in high school. I went to the O’Neill’s basement (gone these 40 years) to buy a blazer for some wedding-related event. All the blazers they had were in various gaudy school colors, and huge, as though only the giants had not gotten their blazers yet. Cecily and Neil what’s-his-name (another kid from Ellet) stood in one part of the basement reciting Shakespear to one another, gathering a crowd around them. I wanted to ask Cecily for help with the blazer, but she couldn’t move until one of them missed a line.

Frank borrows the truck to move some gigantic mechanical work of art to the Lipinsky lobby.

Looking forward to the brief respite of Fall Break, which is, of course, full of things to do.

Linda’s birthday.

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