Friday, September 5, 2014

September 5, 2014

Faintest pearl on the blue of the night. At one point it was raining in the front yard and not in the back.

Little get-together last night, for which I over-bought and over-prepared grossly. No one seemed to be hungry or to want to stay very long. But Alma left me three pieces of cake for my birthday. . . .

Tight chest in the evening. I thought I might be having a heart attack, but when I felt the muscles of my chest, they were tight and sore, perhaps from the gym, but more likely, I think, from stress and rage concerning the disposition of 62. I finally phoned W, who seemed to have a plan of payment (a unilateral one, departing from anything we had discussed before), though I wondered if it were made up on the spot in response to my call, or had been on his mind and never communicated. I think the former and hope the latter. Even if the latter, his refusal to communicate is not, as he thinks, a sign of strength. Why alienate and enrage the people who wish you well? I went to 62 to feed DJ’s fish and look for his lost cat, and a golden rose and a red, red rose were blooming in the yard, and I was struck with such emotions of loss.

Grandiflora magnolia bears a single bloom.

Almost sick with relief at having a day truly off.

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