Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24, 2014

Went to my workout under the peacock dawn. Then to see Dr. Hicks. I avoid doctors because they find things you didn’t know about and which never bothered you until they were named. I have an arrhythmia. Got an EKG. She sighed relief and said it was nothing much. Blood pressure still high, the bp medicine making me sick, we try something new. Prescriptions refilled. Check-up over for another year. Blood tests yet to be analyzed.  Probably something hideous there, I told the phlebotomist she was “smooth” and she smiled and thanked me.

Both time and money desperate at present. There are literally not enough hours to do what I must do in the next week. Cashless, empty bank accounts, seeing if I can eke through without selling assets. I do not deal well with full schedules, where you have to run frantically from one thing to another.

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