Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 11, 2012

Even more laborious attack on the garden yesterday, after which all was well, and more of the front garden brought to order. The tomatoes produce beyond my ability to utilize them. Planted iris. Blasted my night class with Poussin, Delacroix, Haydn, Beethoven, Wagner, and I think they are ready for Romanticism. Crescent moon above the Y before dawn.

Night Music is set for the Carrboro Arts Center on October 21.

Working in the garden I knocked a mantis down from a leaf. She fell on her back, and was so big I thought she was a frog for a moment. She didn’t fly (maybe she needs to be high up to do that,) but pulled herself from leaf to leaf with those amazing arms. I lifted her up in the end of the shovel to place her in safety amid the 4 O’clocks. She made the foliage move when she moved.

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