Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 22, 2012

Ripped out of the ivy/creeper jungle a new garden plot yesterday, revealing stumps that had been coated in ivy since I moved here, planting tansy, blue geranium, ice plant, and more red cabbage than I can ever use. It rained heavily, providentially then. Kevin the frog perched on the rim of his pond through the whole of the rain, rejoicing. Wrenched my shoulder again trying to yank the cork out of a bottle of cava. Bought a dresser and a huge chest today, and the arm seemed, oddly, partially healed again by the effort of helping the shop owner haul the furniture from his truck to my house. He said my kitchen looked just like his. I had to stare at my kitchen for a while, wondering if he could possibly mean that. In the midst of the dresser-haul I was certain my pants were going to fall down. They did not.

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